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UPPSC Computer Operator & Programmer Syllabus
Last Updated : 29 Mar 2019 | 11:53 AM
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) Computer Operator & Programmer Syllabus.
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For Programmer And Programmer Grade–1
• Computer-based statistical & Numerical methods, Discrete Structures
• Programming and Problem Solving through C and C++
• Data Structures through C and C++
• Object Oriented Programming through Java
• Computer System Architecture
• Database Management System with working knowledge on FoxPro/ Oracle/Ingress/Sybase/DB/JET  etc.
• Structured System Analysis and Design
• Operating Systems, UNIX and Shell Programming
• Automata Theory and Compiler Design
• Data Communication and Network Technologies with case studies on NOVELL/Windows NT
• Wireless  and  Mobile  Communication,  Network  Management, Cryptography  and  Information Security
• Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Digital Image Processing, Visual ,Programming
• Software  Engineering  &  CASE Tools,  Software  Testing  &  Quality Management, Software Project Management
• Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Data Warehouse & Data Mining
• INTERNET Technology, Web Design and Web Services
• Parallel  Computing
• Machine  Learning  and  Python
• E-Commerce
For Programmer Grade–2
Exposure To Computer Application include following :
(1) OS : Windows/Unix Commands & Tools
(2) Programming Language : C, C++, JAVA
(3) Scripting  Languages   : JAVA Script, Perl etc.
(4) DATA BASE: Basic  Concepts,  Queries, Transact
(5) DBMS Packages: MS Access, ORACLE, MYSQL, SQL Server
(6) WEB SERVER: Deployment  and  knowledge  of  PHP, (APACHE IIS) ASP, NET
(7) NETWORK : Internet working,  Internet Socket programming skills
(8) Web Content : HTML/XML exposure Development
(9) Document  preparation : Working knowledge of Office Suite
For Computer Operator Grade "B"
(a) Course for Aptitude Test– The Computer operator needs to assist Programmer  and  higher  ups  in  day  to  day  operations.  He/she  must have  basic  knowledge  of  Computing  System  with  different  operating system (live windows/Unix) and have working knowledge of one or two programming languages.  He/she may also  have  exposure  on DBMS packages. They  should be  good in  information  ordering and possess oral and written comprehensive skills.

The point wise syllabus is as follows :
(1) OS : Working  knowledge  with  essential commands of Windows/Unix.
(2) Programming Languages: Programming skills in C and C++ or JAVA
(3) Document  Preparation : Deep exposure in Office Suites
(4) DBMS Packages : Data  Entry  skills  in  different  DBMS packages  like  MS  Access,  ORACLE, MYSQL etc.
(5) Internet : Exposure on Web Server and Web Page management
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